From garage to industrial chic studio
This space has been used as a garage, a space to cook kettle corn, and now a studio! When we first looked at our house before buying it, I loved the idea of converting the garage. We are MAJOR fans of the show Fixer Upper and were pretty excited for our own project. It seemed like a near impossible task for Curtis and I to take on considering my picky nature (sorry Curtis...) but we started slowly and then became obsessed with the transformation! We did the entire project ourselves with a little help from Pinterest and a lot of time at Lowes. The only thing left to finish is the bathroom (anyone know a plumber who wants to trade?? hahaha)!
I'm SO excited to finally show off the finished product, but I'm sad to be done. I think I just need to find someone who will buy a bed and breakfast and pay for us to renovate it (I can dream, right?!?)!
And here it is, our first, and hopefully not last, renovation!
Before: Look at those wonderful garage lights *sarcasm*
After: AHHHHHH!!!!
As you can see in the before pictures, the floor was painted. I decided I wanted the raw concrete for an industrial feel (and easy cleaning) so we had to remove the paint. That process was, frankly, a b**ch. We had to HAND GRIND the entire floor with four inch hand grinders. It took days to finally get it done and then about 14 moppings to get it clean but it was 100% worth it.
We wanted to keep the garage door for both practicality and resale purposes so I decided to paint it. I'd say it turned out pretty well!
The tin on the ceiling was repurposed from an old shed we had on our property and the platform bed was made from the heavy wood beams from the shed. Much of the decor was found at flea markets and antique stores.
These clipboards came from Shopgirl in JC!
I spent so much time trying to find a unique headboard idea. One Saturday we were at a back alley sale and I saw these old tin newspaper print plates and knew it was meant to be. Plus they were only $6!
I even DIY'd this fake plant. I've had the scale for a while and saw the hanging basket at Hobby Lobby (on sale of course!) but the large fake plants weren't the style I wanted and were more than I wanted to spend. I bought a couple greenery stems at 50% off, cut them into shorter pieces and stuck them in some spanish moss and foam I had on hand.
I got this great door at Rosebud's Grand Antique Mall and we hung it on faux sliding door hardware. I found the knob at an antique store and it's actually out of an old bank in St. Louis.
If you've never watched The Office, you won't get the humor in my pillows (also, you should definitely watch The Office). The mantle came from Rachel's Rustic Room in Rosebud and the pictures were DIY'd from old dictionary pages and cheap frames. My couch was an AMAZING find on Varagesale. It's in perfect shape, came with a green velvet slipcover and guess how much it was?? SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS. I know, right? And it's one of those really deep sofas so it's great to nap on :)
I knew I wanted to turn an old bicycle into a desk and this worked out perfect. The top just sits right on top of the handlebars and has the pipe leg for additional support.
This TV is usually playing Step Brothers or some other great comedy.
We had the hardest time finding ceiling lights. We looked everywhere especially online and couldn't find anything we loved so we drew it out and built it ourselves. I mostly assisted, Curtis did most of the hard work!
Another great Office quote.
Got this baby working again too. It was a great find at Artichoke Annie's in Columbia.
Well there it is! It was such a blast to do this remodel. If you know of anyone wanting to open their own Inn like Lorelei on Gilmore Girls, tell them to hit me up for decorating!